Power Yoga. You may or may not be a fan of it. Most likely, if you're not, you've had very limited exposure to it. Before today I've had a respectful appreciation for yoga. That is, …

Fit Dude Food | Nutrition Made Tasty | John Hays
Nutrition Made Tasty!
Fit Dude Food | Nutrition Made Tasty | John Hays
Nutrition Made Tasty!
Power Yoga. You may or may not be a fan of it. Most likely, if you're not, you've had very limited exposure to it. Before today I've had a respectful appreciation for yoga. That is, …
The Boy Scout Oath. My childhood consisted of many activities, one of the more enjoyable ones was scouting. I started as a little Tiger Cub and worked my way up to Boy Scout. I learned …
Protein Bars. We’re always looking for something quick, something easy to snack on, even replace a meal with when we’re busy or on a long trip, so we go into the nearest convenience store and …