Don’t have time to workout?

That’s not a problem anymore!

30 minutes and you’re DONE!

Get your life back!


It’s time to get X Fit in just 30 minutes a day!

No gym!

No hassle!

Just results!

You’ll also get  access to my EXCLUSIVE P90X3 challenge group!


Growing up, my focus was more on academics than on fitness, and it showed!  I was never huge, but being shaped or toned was definitely never in the cards.  Then, in 2006 my mom passed away after battling cancer.  Realizing I had gained weight from focusing on helping her,  something needed to be done.  So I joined a gym and totally changed my diet!

Weight came off, but I could only get so far and kept hitting a wall.  After contacting a cousin who had lost over 100 pounds and joining his fitness challenge, I saw more success than ever and the plateau was broken!  Deciding to pay it forward and help other people get those same results, I’m now here to help you!

From here on out, we’re in this TOGETHER!  I will personally mentor you the whole way!


Now let’s get YOU started by simply filling out the form below!

[gravityform id=”3″ name=”P90X3 Test Group”]

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